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Cloud-Based Call Accounting with TalQ

TalQ is our cloud-based call accounting solution with an automated voicemail function designed for the hospitality industry.

Key Features

Call Accounting

Track and bill your customer calls and room requests accurately.

Access control

Provision role-based access control to ensure data security.

Integrated Deployment Monitoring
Integrated Deployment

Centralize data from properties across the world on a unified cloud-based platform.

Informed Decision-Making

Gain actionable insight into data from all your deployments in an intuitive dashboard.

Automated Voicemail

Quickly respond to your customer requests with automated voicemail.


Schedule reports on cost and revenue detail and call answering performance.


Track and bill your customer calls and room requests accurately.

Access Control

Provision role-based access control to ensure data security.

Integrated Deployment

Centralize data from properties across the world on a unified cloud-based platform.


Gain actionable insight into data from all your deployments in an intuitive dashboard.


Quickly respond to your customer requests with automated voicemail.


Schedule reports on cost and revenue detail and call answering performance.

Why TalQ?

Why TalQ

Why TalQ?

TalQ provides a unified view of call-based services across all your properties. The call accounting solution serves three main functions:

  • Capture and analyze phone usage for optimizing operational costs.
  • Bill resident customers for the calls they make.
  • Review customer service performance based on voicemail and internal extension usage.

Tracking and Monitoring

TalQ tracks the internal call details and helps monitor service quality. Services like mini bar management, wake-up alarms, room service, and voice mailbox can be provisioned with TalQ.

User Roles and Access Control

TalQ provides layered access to users. Role-based access control prevents unauthorized access to data and applications.

Partner-level users:

Access to all sites and groups

Group-level user:

Access to sites from a particular group

Cluster-level users:

Access to sites belonging to a particular cluster inside a group

Site-level users:

Access functionalities of the site they belong to

Reports and Insights

The integrated web dashboard of TalQ provides detailed reports and visualization of the cost, revenue, operational, and service metrics such as call answering performance across all deployments.

The integrated dashboard can help you expedite critical decisions with an enterprise-wide perspective of telephone usage and guest satisfaction. The reports can be made available in both ad hoc and scheduled manner.

Tracking and Monitoring

TalQ tracks the internal call details and helps monitor service quality. Services like mini bar management, wake-up alarms, room service, and voice mailbox can be provisioned with TalQ.

User Roles and Access Control

TalQ provides layered access to users. Role-based access control prevents unauthorized access to data and applications.

User Roles and Access Control
Partner-level users
Access to all sites and groups
Group-level user
Access to sites from a particular group
Cluster-level users
Access to sites belonging to a particular cluster inside a group
Site-level users
Access functionalities of the site they belong to

Reports and Insights

The integrated web dashboard of TalQ provides detailed reports and visualization of the cost, revenue, operational, and service metrics such as call answering performance across all deployments.

The integrated dashboard can help you expedite critical decisions with an enterprise-wide perspective of telephone usage and guest satisfaction. The reports can be made available in both ad hoc and scheduled manner.


Improved productivity
Optimized network usage
network usage
Reduced operational costs
operational costs
Better data security
data security

TalQ Voicemail System

TalQ Voicemail System

The automated voicemail function that comes bundled with TalQ ensures round-the-clock access to your services, enhancing your customer experience.

Once your guests are assigned a room, they can raise requests using their room telephone. The automated voicemail system will guide them based on their requirements.

Your hotel staff and administrators can automate and manage voicemail communication with guests. TalQ works with on-premise systems and cloud PBX (Private Branch exchange) systems with proprietary APIs.

Set Wake-Up Calls

The customers can request automated and assisted wake-up calls.

Room and Minibar Requests

Check room and minibar status and raise requests.

Expedite Staff Response

The staff, with their access authorization, can respond to the requests as assigned

Generate Reports

Admins can review reports of call requests, records, and staff deployment details.

Set Wake-Up Calls

The customers can request automated and assisted wake-up calls.

Room and Minibar

Check room and minibar status and raise requests.

Expedite Staff Response

The staff, with their access authorization, can respond to the requests as assigned

Generate Reports

Admins can review reports of call requests, records, and staff deployment details.

How TalQ Works

How TalQ Works

TalQ employs a set of hardware and software interfaces to provide cloud-based call accounting and automated voicemail services. It interfaces with hardware components through a data collection hardware called the mediator.

It collects call detail records from all your deployments and compiles records from internal networks, property management systems (PMS), voicemail systems, on-premise servers, and other guest request systems. This data can be stored in its raw or processed format. Additional details can be added as required and aggregated for reporting and analysis.

Mediator sends data to the cloud in near real-time. It acts as a bridge between the PBX and the property management system. TalQ’s data processing subsystem receives and processes this data.

How TalQ Works

The data can also be made available in your FTP (File Transfer Protocol) servers deployed inside your internal network if you prefer using internal/enterprise servers. TalQ can retrieve this data by connecting through VPN to your internal FTP servers periodically.

The integrated web dashboard of TalQ provides an enterprise-wide perspective of call operations in all your deployments. These dashboards allow you to monitor system health, alarms, alerts, escalations, and reports. The access authorization to these dashboards is based on user roles.

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