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Search Engine Optimization to Attract
Organic Traffic

You need to top the SERP (Search Engine Results Page) to drive business. So, get placed where it matters.

Search Engine Optimization Services

Customers use search engines to find the best provider and we help you show up in those customer searches.

Search engine optimization services at QBurst aim at funneling targeted organic traffic to your website with proven SEO techniques. Our team of SEO professionals work through the various stages of search engine optimization making sure each step complements the other to deliver the desired result.

  • SEO Audit
  • On-page Optimization
  • Local Business SEO
  • SEO Performance Reporting
  • Keyword Research
  • Off-page Optimization
  • Topical Optimization
  • JavaScript SEO

Typically, an SEO engagement starts with an initial consultation with our SEO professional. This could involve an SEO audit of your online properties to assess your current search engine status. Depending on the findings of the SEO audit report, our SEO team will strategize the optimization steps to be implemented on and off your website.

Contact us now to schedule an SEO consultation. Jump start your race to the top right away!

seo audit

SEO Audit

Often the primary step in search engine optimization, SEO audit involves an in-depth investigation of your web pages to calculate the overall SEO score.

Factors considered include, but are not limited to, on-page properties such as content, site architecture, code, and performance. Errors and technical mistakes identified are flagged in the audit report with recommendations based on SEO best practices.

keyword research

Keyword Research

Identifying keywords most relevant to your business is key to improving your organic search rankings. After a keyword research and analysis, we will recommend short and long tail keywords for your pages.

Selection of keywords can be based on search volume, competition, relevance, and other factors. With insight into keyword usage of competitors and potential customers, we are able to optimize websites for niche keyword searches that will drive in qualified leads.

on-page optimization

On-Page Optimization

There are numerous on-page signals that search engines consider while ranking pages. Each of these contributes differently to the performance of a web page in search.

From site architecture and navigation to HTML tags and coding structure, we meticulously analyze your entire website to identify any missing or incorrect signals negatively impacting SEO. Drawing upon the insights from the keyword analysis, our SEO team will then suggest markup and relevant metadata corrections to implement.

off-page optimization

Off-Page Optimization

Third-party references to your website can greatly influence its ranking. We use suitable tools to measure the quantity and quality of your inbound links and plan appropriate off-page optimization strategies.

This can include backlink building, social bookmarking, and directory listings. Our content marketing team can develop compelling content that delivers value to users while generating natural links back to the site. Other off-page optimization services we provide are video marketing, photo sharing, and email marketing among others.

local seo

Local SEO

Optimizing for local search is crucial for businesses that rely on regional markets. For multi-location businesses, our local SEO services can help them rank in multiple cities.

We add accurate entries for your business in Google My Business and create other relevant local listings. Our SEO team will suggest relevant schema markup and structured data for websites to be found easily in maps and local searches.

topical optimization

Topical Optimization

Topical optimization has become highly relevant ever since the Hummingbird update. It involves creating content around topics rather than keywords.

Our SEO services help ensure pages in your website are optimized to deliver value to your audience. Typically, web pages should answer users’ questions or deliver information corresponding to their search. We help websites maintain a high level of relevancy to the topic and keywords they rank for.

SEO Performance

SEO Performance Reporting

Search engine optimization is never an overnight miracle. Beware of SEO agencies that quote this fact to bleed you forever. An honest SEO partner will review steps taken, track progress, measure results, and provide reports on the effectiveness of the optimization efforts.

With performance reporting integrated into our SEO service, we get to evaluate our SEO efforts and modify campaigns based on reported results. Optimization compounded with accurate reporting helps us deliver better results.

JavaScript SEO

JavaScript SEO

Excited about launching your highly interactive single page application, but wondering how to tackle SEO?

You can confidently launch websites built using any JavaScript framework without being concerned about your dynamic content not being indexed. We will prerender your pages in a browser and save the static HTML pages containing your dynamic content. These static HTML pages can be served to search bots to ensure your content is crawled.


SEO Agency that Delivers

Working with QBurst has been a blessing. We've been working with QBurst for over 3 years now and we seem to keep adding more projects with them because QBurst consistently delivers on time, on budget, and most importantly, delivers outstanding results. For all these reasons QBurst has been bestowed our Technology Vendor of the Year award.
quote left Adrian quote right

Adrian Bardet

Marketing Manager, Pioneer Motor Bearing

Website SEO Audit

Is your website visible to the multitude of potential customers looking for your kind of products and services? Find out today. Get a website analysis done to see what is keeping it from ranking higher in Google search results.

Our SEO Audit includes a high-level assessment of your website's

  • Accessibility
  • Performance
  • Indexability
  • On-page ranking factors
  • Off-page ranking factors

You will receive a comprehensive SEO report containing:

  • Assessment of on-page and off-page problems
  • Recommended solutions to help rectify the problems
  • Measures to adopt for good and consistent SEO

Delay no longer! Have your website checked and get tips on what else to do to drive in relevant traffic.

Yes, I need an SEO Audit

The SEO Checklist—What We Check in an SEO Audit

Our SEO Audit report is custom-made and unique for each client. We may analyze some, all, or even additional factors, depending on the specific needs and goals of each business.

Website Accessibility

  • Domain statistics & past records
  • Canonicalization issues
  • Dead pages/broken links
  • Duplicate pages
  • Third-party code validation
  • User experience & bounce rate test
  • Navigation check for users & crawlers

On-Page SEO

  • Sitemap integration
  • Robot.txt integration
  • SEO-friendly URL slug
  • Meta tags implementation
  • H1 tags
  • Image tags
  • Anchor text
  • Content recommendations
  • Internal/external links
  • Broken links

Off-Page SEO

  • Google & Bing webmaster integration
  • Google analytics integration
  • Backlinks
  • Anchor text
  • Social media optimization
  • Social bookmarking

Site Performance

  • Site loading speed
  • Mobile-friendly test
  • Redirections
  • Code to text ratio

Website Accessibility

  • Domain statistics & past records
  • Canonicalization issues
  • Dead pages/broken links
  • Duplicate pages
  • Third-party code validation
  • User experience & bounce rate test
  • Navigation check for users & crawlers

On-Page SEO

  • Sitemap integration
  • Robot.txt integration
  • SEO-friendly URL slug
  • Meta tags implementation
  • H1 tags
  • Image tags
  • Anchor text
  • Content recommendations
  • Internal/external links
  • Broken links

Off-Page SEO

  • Google & Bing webmaster integration
  • Google analytics integration
  • Backlinks
  • Anchor text
  • Social media optimization
  • Social bookmarking

Site Performance

  • Site loading speed
  • Mobile-friendly test
  • Redirections
  • Code to text ratio

Some SEO Facts

Search Engine Optimization is Not a One-Time Effort

Search engine optimization of your website is not a one-time effort. You need to measure the results after each optimization step and fine-tune further to achieve better performing pages.

Search engines, such as Google, keep changing their algorithms and ranking factors. What works now for SEO may not be relevant in a year’s time. It is important to assess and evaluate your website on a regular basis—at least once in six months—to maintain an up-to-date search engine friendly site.

In-house SEO vs SEO Agency

Many businesses ponder over this. While the ideal solution includes the best of both worlds, a realistic answer would depend on your goals and budget.

In-house resources have a robust knowledge of your business that gives them an edge in representing the company. At the same time, they can be guilty of tunnel vision.

SEO consultants at QBurst, on the other hand, possess a broader perspective. Having worked with different clients, they have most likely faced similar situations. They can formulate custom solutions after evaluating your marketing goals. Our SEO consultants also keep up with search algorithm updates and work with minimal guesswork to produce faster results. If you are like our other clients and want to tap into the expertise of a reliable digital marketing partner, connect with us now.

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