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Amazon Web Services

As Amazon Consulting Partner, we help businesses of all sizes to build, migrate, and manage applications on the AWS platform. If you are looking for a seamless transition to the Amazon cloud, our team will help you formulate a migration strategy that supports the nuances of your business. We also extend 24/7 support services for AWS hosted infrastructure.

Our AWS Expertise

  • AWS Migration Consultation
  • AWS Application Integration
  • AWS Automation
  • Server Monitoring and Management
  • AWS-Based Database Administration
  • Workflow Orchestration
  • Performance Optimization
  • Greenfield and Brownfield Deployment
  • Disaster Management
  • Backup and Storage

We Help Clients Utilize AWS For

Availability and Performance

When sub-second loading delays can cost you customers, you need a powerful infrastructure to avoid scalability issues. We can set up AWS Auto Scaling to dynamically add more compute and storage resources as demand increases and scale them down as traffic wanes. Elastic Load Balancing can be set up to automatically distribute the traffic and CloudFront, Amazon’s content delivery network, to serve content without latency.


Our client offers global booking service for private jet charter and aircraft hire. Their multilingual website allows users to find and book trips with air charter companies. Users can select a jet at the most competitive market price comparing quotes in real time. Website performance and reliability are critical to their business.

We migrated the website from a dedicated hosting vendor to AWS. The setup uses a scalable EC2 large instance with JBoss + LAMP configuration and Elastic Block Store for redundant storage. The migration, which was completed in a month, resulted in high availability and faster performance.

Real-Time Data Processing

The need to process streaming data in real time is ever more with the rise of IoT applications. Amazon Kinesis Firehose can be used to load continuous streaming sensor, log file, or digital media data into cloud storage. Storage options include relational and NoSQL databases such as Aurora, Redshift, or DynamoDB. With Kinesis Data Analytics, the streaming data can be processed in real time to provide actionable business insights.


Our client’s product enables companies to easily integrate OTs, such as sensors and tags, into ERP platforms and data warehouses. We designed a system on the Amazon EC2 environment, where horizontal deployment could be achieved with scalability and resilience.

The real-time data processing system was set up with Lambda architecture. We used AWS CloudFormation and Ansible to model and launch the servers. Embedded CloudFormation stacks were used to model the infrastructure in layers and quickly deploy stacks to any one of the AWS data centers around the world. Application and server infrastructure monitoring using CloudWatch and Nagios completed the setup.

Blockchain Applications

We can easily develop, test, and deploy secure blockchain applications using AWS blockchain templates. Amazon will take care of the manual setup of the blockchain network, enabling us to implement smart contracts for financial, insurance, healthcare or other relevant use cases using languages such as Solidity.

Deep Learning Systems

Recommendation engines, computer vision, voice search, forecasting, video analytics, text mining—all rely on deep learning techniques. We can design neural networks using custom workflows or build, train, and deploy pre-built machine learning models to solve your data mining challenges.

AI Chatbots

Conversational bots are modish in digital customer service but sophisticated algorithms and massive computing infrastructure are required for natural language processing. Amazon Lex makes it easier to build, test, and deploy voice or text chatbots. We can develop and integrate the chatbot with your platform of choice and help you create awesome customer interactions.

Storage and Disaster Recovery

Let us sync your business-critical data to the cloud with Amazon S3, Glacier, or Elastic Block Store and keep it safe from unintended loss. We can implement the traditional model of periodically backing up the system or a “pilot light” approach, where a minimal version of the environment runs as a warm standby or a multi-site model with duplicated environments that enables automatic failover or a combination of these approaches.


Using AWS and DevOps practices, we can help you build products/applications at greater speed. We will configure a continuous delivery pipeline and automate provisioning and deployment to enable rapid delivery. You can have an immutable infrastructure with no downtime.

continuous delivery pipeline using Jenkins, Ansible and Docker on AWS.
continuous delivery pipeline using Jenkins, Ansible and Docker on AWS.

Our client’s mobile platform enables smartphones and smart devices to autonomously identify conditions and hazards in the immediate surroundings. This technology is used in several industries to create heightened awareness for drivers.

Our DevOps team engineered a highly available and scalable infrastructure in AWS EC2. Custom auto-scaling strategies were implemented and AWS CodeDeploy integrated with Jenkins made deployments significantly faster. A centralized log management solution using ELK as well as CloudWatch was also set up. Other AWS services utilized were S3, RDS, and SES.

Scalable Infrastructure

AWS lets you have highly scalable and secure solutions, such as those needed for online retailing. We can set up your infrastructure to grow and shrink with fluctuations in website traffic. With Auto Scaling, CloudFront, and other AWS services configured, your system will remain stable even during traffic spikes.


The client’s corporate website, architected by QBurst, is a complete end-to-end e-commerce solution developed on Amazon AWS infrastructure. The site’s architecture features a unified platform of technologies integrating various frameworks and services on the web.

An automatic failover architecture with a master-slave database was deployed to provide maximum availability. Elastic Load Balancing helps distribute excess load on different servers within the same region. To meet exponential spike in web traffic, the server was scaled up from large EC2 instance to Quadruple Extra Large High-Memory instance. Server backups are stored on Amazon EBS in another geographic location. Backup of transactions, periodic server snapshots, and critical e-commerce data are stored on Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3).

Serverless Computing

Build rich, personalized experiences using AWS Lambda. We can write code to execute in response to triggers from other AWS services or API requests using the AWS Serverless Application Model. Combining Lambda with other AWS services, we can build powerful web applications, IoT backends, or real-time data processing systems.


One of our clients using the AWS cloud needed to take daily snapshots and AMIs (Amazon Machine Images) of their infrastructure. We set up a simple, free solution to automatically back up their servers on a scheduled basis using a Lambda function written in Python.

We created a Lambda function to list all the servers with a particular tag (backup: true) from the client’s AWS account. For each server listed, the function would then trigger a snapshot OR AMI as needed. We used CloudWatch rules to have the Lambda function trigger on a predefined schedule.

Cloud Security

Security is a concern when moving infrastructure or data out of local premises. We help clients leverage AWS cloud security solutions to secure applications on the cloud platform. Security can be established with various combinations of AWS services such as EC2 Security Groups and EBS encryption.


Our client is a cloud-based recruitment solutions provider. Security is a major concern as they handle numerous accounts and leakage of information could result in significant damage to business and reputation. To meet the level of availability and security that was necessary, we migrated their application to the AWS cloud and set up cloud security, data encryption, and disaster management mechanism for the new infrastructure.

The cloud architecture was designed with Cloudflare Web Application Firewall. Access was restricted with AWS Virtual Private Cloud, EC2 Security Groups, and SSH key authentication. Fail2ban was configured to prevent brute-force attacks. Each Amazon Elastic Block Store volume was secured with EBS data encryption, providing encryption of data-in-transit from EC2 instances to EBS storage.

Container Orchestration

In large dynamic environments, orchestration tools make it easier to manage the life cycles of containers and move them in response to auto-scaling events or deployment updates. We can run microservices applications with continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines using Elastic Container Service or Elastic Kubernetes Service.


Our client is a retail giant with multiple brands and product lines. They are spread across the globe and have multiple applications catering to different localities. We built an automated service deployment infrastructure for their applications and API services.

Our team created a CI-CD pipeline to rebuild and redeploy containers in ECS based on code/configuration updates in the Git Repo. The pipeline checks for the latest PR merges on the service code and rebuilds and deploys the respective service, including Jenkins slave and other app services. This involves getting the latest code from repo, building images, pushing it to Elastic Container Registry, and redeploying the service in ECS using Terraform.

Server Orchestration

With distributed applications increasing in scale, provisioning all the infrastructure resources can become complex. We help you codify your infrastructure and automate provisioning of all the resources needed for your application across different regions and multiple accounts.


One of our clients runs an online booking platform for beauty services and beauticians. One of their first requirements was to be able to automatically set up copies of their solution in multiple data centers as they grew.

The client specified that they would be using only the AWS cloud environment. Hence, we created CloudFormation templates to set up the entire platform from scratch in any AWS Availability Zone. This included deploying the latest code to the servers when the same spun up. The end result was an automated server setup solution that allowed them to save days in infrastructure setup when they started migrating to other regions. It also doubled as a form of disaster recovery system for the client.

We Help Clients Utilize AWS For


Success Stories

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