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Customer Data Platform

Create an exceptional experience at every touchpoint with connected insights into customers.

Customer Data Platform

From Silos to
Unified View

Silos to Unified View

From Silos to Unified View

Customers interact with your business at different touchpoints and leave a trail of information, which, if mapped, can help you understand their entire journey. Unfortunately, this data is captured by disparate systems that do not communicate with each other. Individual teams, from marketing and sales to customer support, act based on data at their disposal, which is incomplete at best and inaccurate at its worst.

Customer data platform is an effective solution for this data challenge. It resolves the problem of data fragmentation by consolidating data from different systems and creating a single, trusted record of every customer. Marketing and sales teams can leverage this unified, real-time customer data to tailor their communications and fine-tune their campaigns.

From Unified Profiles
to Action

Unified Profiles

From Unified Profiles to Action

With customer profiles in place, you can activate your marketing through targeted ads and campaigns.

Customer Segmentation

Create segments based on demographics, transaction history, or any custom parameter, such as high-value customers and abandoned carts.

Personalized Customer Journeys

Orchestrate customer journeys across physical and digital touchpoints to boost loyalty and retention.

Behavior Prediction

Analyze customer behaviors using machine learning algorithms and recommend the next-best action in their journeys.

Regulatory Compliance

Improve compliance by collecting and managing customer data in adherence to data regulations.

Customer Segmentation

Create segments based on demographics, transaction history, or any custom parameter, such as high-value customers and abandoned carts.

Personalized Customer Journeys

Orchestrate customer journeys across physical and digital touchpoints to boost loyalty and retention.

Behavior Prediction

Analyze customer behaviors using machine learning algorithms and recommend the next-best action in their journeys.

Regulatory Compliance

Improve compliance by collecting and managing customer data in adherence to data regulations.

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How Customer Data Platform Improves CX

Customer data platforms offer infrastructure to collect, analyze, and act upon customer data in a way that significantly improves customer experience (CX).

at Scale

Vast amounts of data are processed in real-time, enabling businesses to deliver tailored experiences to a large customer base.


Customer behavior can be tracked as it happens, allowing for immediate responses from your marketing and sales team.


Customer data is synchronized across all channels. Customers can start an interaction on one channel and continue it on another without losing context.


Insights into trends, behaviors, and preferences can be leveraged to tailor product offerings, marketing strategies, and customer service initiatives.

Personalization at Scale

Vast amounts of data are processed in real-time, enabling businesses to deliver tailored experiences to a large customer base.

Real-Time Insights

Customer behavior can be tracked as it happens, allowing for immediate responses from your marketing and sales team.

Omnichannel Consistency

Customer data is synchronized across all channels. Customers can start an interaction on one channel and continue it on another without losing context.

Data-Driven Decision-Making

Insights into trends, behaviors, and preferences can be leveraged to tailor product offerings, marketing strategies, and customer service initiatives.

QBurst Offerings

Elevate your marketing strategies with our expertise in implementing customer data platforms. We help you successfully implement the platform and maximize its value.

CDP Selection

With multiple customer data platforms in the market, selecting the right one for your use case is an important decision to make. We factor in integration capabilities, tools supported, compliance requirements, custom segmentation, and budget while choosing your platform.

Data Ingestion

By selecting only essential data for specific use cases and opting for the right ingestion method—batch, API, or streaming—we ensure ingestion is efficient and aligned with business goals.

Data Consolidation

Data sources and identity-matching logic are chosen based on the use case to ensure that the consolidated candidate profiles match the requirements of your business.

MarTech Integration

Through seamless integration with marketing tools and platforms, we help you tailor campaigns to reach and resonate with the right audience.

Continuous Optimization

As your data landscape changes, we fine-tune the configuration, integrate new data sources, and enhance scalability to ensure high performance in line with your business goals.

CDP Selection

With multiple customer data platforms in the market, selecting the right one for your use case is an important decision to make. We factor in integration capabilities, tools supported, compliance requirements, custom segmentation, and budget while choosing your platform.

Data Ingestion

By selecting only essential data for specific use cases and opting for the right ingestion method—batch, API, or streaming—we ensure ingestion is efficient and aligned with business goals.

Data Consolidation

Data sources and identity-matching logic are chosen based on the use case to ensure that the consolidated candidate profiles match the requirements of your business.

MarTech Integration

Through seamless integration with marketing tools and platforms, we help you tailor campaigns to reach and resonate with the right audience.

Continuous Optimization

As your data landscape changes, we fine-tune the configuration, integrate new data sources, and enhance scalability to ensure high performance in line with your business goals.

How CDP Works

Data Collection

The customer data platform ingests data from websites, mobile apps, CRM systems, social media, and other.. touchpoints. This data can include customer interactions , transactions, preferences, and engagement metrics. It is continuously updated in real time as customers interact with different channels.
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Data Unification

Identifiers, such as email addresses and phone numbers, which are linked to the same customer are used.. to resolve customer identities. The resulting customer profile includes demographic data (name, date of birth, etc.), transactional data (purchases, returns, etc), behavioral data (app usage, website interaction, email engagement, etc.) preferences, and other relevant details.
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Data Activation

A critical functionality of a customer data platform is that it makes insights available to a host of.. other marketing and analytics tools, which help put them into action. Analytics tools can identify trends and patterns, marketing tools can use that data to run personalized campaigns at scale, while customer support can provide more context-aware support to customers.
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Data Collection

The customer data platform ingests data from websites, mobile apps, CRM systems, social media, and other touchpoints. This data can include customer interactions, transactions, preferences, and engagement metrics. It is continuously updated in real time as customers interact with different channels.

Data Unification

Identifiers, such as email addresses and phone numbers, which are linked to the same customer are used to resolve customer identities. The resulting customer profile includes demographic data (name, date of birth, etc.), transactional data (purchases, returns, etc), behavioral data (app usage, website interaction, email engagement, etc.) preferences, and other relevant details.

Data Activation

A critical functionality of a customer data platform is that it makes insights available to a host of other marketing and analytics tools, which help put them into action. Analytics tools can identify trends and patterns, marketing tools can use that data to run personalized campaigns at scale, while customer support can provide more context-aware support to customers.

CDP Working diagram

Access Customer Data
Without IT Support

The self-service functionalities of customer data platforms allow marketers to define and configure customer segments, run queries, and extract insights independently. With direct access to important customer data, marketers can quickly respond to changing marketing requirements.

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